Share Web Pages to Google+ with iPhone or iPad

Here is a cool way to share what you are browsing in the Mobile Safari browser too Google+.  This hack involves a little geekery to get right, so be patient.


1. Create a bookmark to any page in Safari

2. Select the following code exactlyand copy it to the iPhone clipboarda. name the bookmark “Share to G+”


3. Edit the bookmark you just created and remove the address with the “X” button

4. Paste the above code into the address of the bookmark and this will make it a bookmarlet

Now you have a javascript coded button that will share any page you are on instantly to Google+.  Once you share, you have the option to select the recipients, whether or not to share your location, etc.


**Special thanks to Danny at Pecknology for creating the bookmarklet code for us**

Have fun!

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